Online Resources
Using Your Website as Your Church Resource Hub
Covid-19 may have moved the technological world forward a little quicker than some would have liked, but it’s fairly obvious it was coming, and indeed an online presence is becoming more and more important in how we interact and engage with people, whether Church members or people looking for a new Church to attend.
Websites are a great way to provide people with up to date information about the Church, but it doesn’t have to stop there. Are you utilising your website well when it comes to your resources?
Here are some helpful ways you can be doing so!
Audio Files
Whether you’re making your way through 1 Samuel or a topical sermon series, ensure none of your members miss out because of work by uploading your sermons to your website so they can be caught up on in the week on a drive or run, and also be used to reference for midweek Bible study leaders.
Same goes for videos, which are fast becoming the more popular choice. A lot of people have begun streaming their sermons on YouTube which is a great way to store your videos whilst also potentially being stumbled upon if you include the sermon titles and Scripture references, and not just the date of the service. You can easily embed these videos onto your website.
Maybe you have a study guide for the sermon series or midweek groups, or flyers that can be printed and shared with the local community for coming events. You can link files to your website so they’re easily accessible.
Are you linked with any other Churches? Or any charities? Do you partner with any organisations? Hold to a particular Confession? Are there reliable sites that you use for further study that would benefit your people? Why not consider a webpage that links these things so people can get to know more about the Church in a broader sense, the things you’re involved with and links to wholesome doctrine.
Might we encourage you to invest in your online presence, as it continues to become a useful tool in growth and the advancement of the Gospel. Support is available to ensure you and your people are getting the most out of your site.