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8 Reasons WhyYou Need A Website

8 Reasons Why You Need A Website

We’ve come a long way in a short time, and the consumer experience has adapted to the evolving technologies of the digital age. Long gone are the days of searching a Yellow Pages (remember those?) or an Argos catalogue, instead, we’re quick to head online to search for services local to us and shop for an item. Afterall, it’s the quickest, most convenient way to seek information and compare.


So, as a means of potential growth for your Church and to get yourself in front of the right audience, then you need to get yourself a website. Here are some more reasons why.

1) You’re Expected to Have One

Enquirers will expect you to have a website so they can find out more about your Church. Your website shows who you are and what you’re about 24/7. Not only can it help you generate interest, but it can help develop your brand, promote goodwill in front of your target audience and deliver strong Church messages.

2) Social Proof

A recommendation goes a long way, and potential enquirers care about what others say about your Church. People expect to see a website to get more information about your brand. Including member testimonials on your site are a great way to impress potential visitors and offer social proof.

3) Brand Perception

You can influence your brand perception by writing your own story on your website. Print ads or brochures are less effective in comparison to websites when it comes to helping brands spread their message, mission and vision.

4) Your Church's Credibility

A website is a great way to show that you take your Church seriously and is worth the investment, as a large percentage of users admitted to judging a company’s credibility based on its website design, the same can be expected for Churches. At the end of the day, a person is most likely to engage with a Church they like the look of and feel they can trust; and a website is a stepping stone towards building that relationship.

5) Immediate Gratification

Your website is your platform to answer all the basic questions your potential visitors will have about your Church. With so much information at our fingertips, the best way to answer these questions is to keep things short and sweet since consumers expect instant gratification, and this is your best chance of them being satisfied and their decision to follow up or not.

6) Your Pebble in the Face of Giants

An optimised website with the right content gives you a shot against the giants in your local area. If you don’t have a website, you’re giving your potential visitors every reason to go elsewhere. In fact, you’re essentially giving them no choice but to!

7) Social Media

Social Media is a great tool for your Church, but it shouldn’t be one that you bank on. Your website is your steady presence, and as time spent on social media is proven to fluctuate, it is a tool best used to point them towards your website.

8) Expand Your Working Hours

As we touched on in point one, having a website means access to your content is available to users at their convenience, whenever that may be; which means in some way you’re always interacting with them and giving them the opportunity to interact with you.

As we continuously move deeper and deeper into the technological age, it’s clear that a website should be considered a ministry. It’s something you can’t afford to be without.


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