5 ways to use your website to reach the unchurched
1. Use simple, easy to understand language.
If your site is flooded with language and terms that only Christians, or more specifically people from your church, will understand, other people who are visiting are going to have a hard time seeing your key messages. If all the text on the front page is about the latest conference, or cell group structure, this won’t mean a lot for someone who has never been to church. It is important to have this information, after all your regular attenders will probably be using your website for updates too but just consider how easy to understand it is for someone who doesn’t already attend your church.
2. Keep the mission of your church clear and easy to access.
If someone hasn't spent much time in a church, they may not have an accurate idea of what church is like, or what your church may have as its purpose. It could be good to state this clearly on your website, to let visitors know who you really are, and what your church is for!
3. Clearly state that anyone is welcome
Sometimes the idea of going to a new church can be intimidating for those who have never been to church before, have previously not felt welcome, or had a negative experience. If you would like new people to feel confident to step foot in your church, make sure the message that all are welcome at a family style service is loud and clear on your site!
4. Consider a page that explains the Christian faith to those who don’t already know Jesus
You never know if your website may be one of the first points of contact for someone local. If they have stumbled upon your website, it would be great if there is some easily accesible information about what it means to have a Christian Faith. There are some great resources you can point them towards, such as LookingForGod.com or The4Points
5. Signpost
It may seem obvious, but do you have information about your Sunday service on your church website? Or any events? Do you have the address of where you meet? Sometimes something like the address can be so simple that it is easy to forget! Try and consider the key information a new person would need in order to visit your church, and make sure it is all easy to find on the website. Information about parking, or what to expect at a service can be very helpful, too.